Matt Forde is a British comedian, writer, and radio presenter known for his blend of humour and political commentary. Born on 6th November 1982 in Nottingham, Forde developed an interest in politics early, joining the Labour Party at 15. He later left the party after Jeremy Corbyn became leader.
Forde began his comedy career at 16, gaining a reputation for his politically charged material. He has appeared on various radio programmes, including BBC Radio 6, and hosted TV shows like Unspun with Matt Forde on Dave. In 2013, he launched The Political Party podcast, which combines topical comedy with interviews of politicians from different parties.
The podcast has gained popularity for addressing the divisive nature of modern political discourse. Since 2018, Forde has recorded weekly episodes in a studio without a live audience, interviewing a diverse range of guests, including advisors, diplomats, lobbyists, academics, pollsters, journalists, and comedians. Notable interviewees include Tony Blair, Nicola Sturgeon, Michael Heseltine, and Nigel Farage.
Forde's live shows have been successful, selling out venues like The Other Palace Theatre and The Duchess Theatre in the West End. He published a memoir, Politically Homeless, with Quercus Books in 2020. In 2022, he embarked on a live comedy tour titled "Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right."