It’s the most wonderful time of the year… or is it? For some of us, the culmination of all that work, stress and effort for one day can be overwhelming. Catch up on expert speaker Steph Peltier’s session right here to get the inside track on managing everything effectively for a stress-free Christmas.

Have yourself a stress-free little Christmas


First up, Steph recommends taking Christmas back to basics wherever possible.

Presence over presents

With so many things to do, Christmas Day can be overwhelming. Steph spoke on the importance of staying in the present moment and how we can achieve this during the day.


A mix of connection and gratitude. Steph explains how we can create more of those truly meaningful moments with those we’re with on the day to help take the pressure off and enjoy ourselves more.

We hope you enjoyed this timely festive advice from the one and only Steph Peltier. If you’d like to book Steph for a bespoke PepTalk or workshop for your team, get in touch at You can also sign up for a free trial of our OnDemand video subscription — packed full of wellbeing tips, healthy inspiration and cultural collaborations.