Veteran and military speakers bring a wealth of experience, insights, and inspiration to various cultural and organizational events. Their unique perspectives can profoundly impact audiences, offering valuable lessons on resilience, leadership, and mental health. Here’s a look at the key occasions and the benefits of inviting veteran speakers, particularly within the Military/Veteran Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) framework.

Cultural Days and Events for Veteran Speakers

A military/veteran ERG is a voluntary, employee-led group aiming to create a supportive environment for veterans and military service members within an organization. These groups focus on networking, advocacy, support, community engagement, and career development — and a military speaker is a fantastic choice to enrich your next event.

Benefits of a Veteran Speaker for Military ERGs

  • Inspirational Stories. Hearing firsthand accounts of military service and civilian life transitions can motivate and inspire ERG members.
  • Mental Health Awareness. Veteran speakers can address common mental health issues among veterans, encouraging members to seek help and support. Explore PepTalk's mental health speakers.
  • Professional Insights. Speakers who have successfully transitioned to civilian careers can share valuable tips on navigating the job market and advancing in your career. For instance, PepTalk speaker Anthony "AB" Bourke (see video below) took his Air Force learnings and parlayed them into an incredible career in finance and beyond.
  • Community Building. Speakers can strengthen the sense of community within the ERG, fostering camaraderie among members. Vernice Armour is a speaker, author, and leadership expert, who will unite your team with her infectious enthusiasm.
  • Education and Awareness. Veteran speakers can educate ERG members and the broader organization about veterans' unique challenges and strengths, promoting a more inclusive workplace culture.
  • Networking Opportunities. Hosting a veteran speaker can attract other veterans and allies within the company, providing additional networking opportunities for ERG members.

Key Military Cultural Days

📅 Armed Forces Day | 18 May 2024

This day pays tribute to men and women serving in the U.S. military. A speaker can highlight the ongoing contributions of active-duty personnel.

📅 Memorial Day | 27 May 2024

Dedicated to remembering and honoring those who died in the nation’s service, a veteran speaker can provide a moving tribute and remind audiences of the sacrifices.

📅 Flag Day | 14 June 2024

A veteran speaker can enrich patriotic celebrations by sharing stories of service under the American flag to commemorate the adoption of the flag.

📅 Independence Day | 4 July 2024

Celebrations often include honoring those who have fought for the country’s independence. A veteran speaker can add depth to the understanding of freedom and patriotism.

📅 Patriot Day | 11 September 2024

A day of remembrance for the victims of the 9/11 attacks, with a focus on the heroism of first responders and military personnel. A veteran speaker can provide insights into the military’s role in response and recovery.

📅 Veterans Day | 11 November 2024

This day honors military veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces. A veteran speaker can share their personal experiences and the significance of military service.

📅 Military Appreciation Month | May 2024

An entire month dedicated to recognizing the sacrifices of the U.S. Armed Forces. Veteran speakers can participate in various events to share their experiences and advocate for military members.

📅 Purple Heart Day | 7 August 2024

Honoring those wounded or killed while serving in the U.S. military, a veteran speaker can discuss the realities of military service and the significance of the Purple Heart.

📅 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day | 7 December 2024

Remembering the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, a veteran speaker can provide historical context and honor the memory of those who served during World War II.

Mental Health Awareness Events

Veteran speakers are also highly appropriate for Mental Health Days, bringing essential perspectives on mental health issues, particularly those common in the military community, such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Here are some key mental health events that a veteran speaker can significantly impact.

Former AirForce JAG Officer Yasmine Cheyenne is a mental health and inclusion expert, who will help your colleagues find balance, while West-Point graduate and former NFL player Caleb Campbell will teach your team to cultivate authentic leadership and strengthen emotional well-being.

📅 PTSD Awareness Day | 27 June 2024

Raising awareness about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a veteran speaker can provide firsthand insights into coping strategies and the importance of seeking help.

📅 National Suicide Prevention Week | 8-14 September 2024

A week dedicated to suicide prevention, where a veteran speaker can discuss the critical issues surrounding mental health and suicide in the military community.

📅 World Mental Health Day | 10 October 2024

Dedicated to raising awareness of mental health issues globally, a veteran speaker can share personal journeys and emphasize the importance of mental health services.

📅 International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day | 23 November 2024

For those affected by suicide, a veteran speaker can offer support and share experiences of loss and recovery.

📅 Mental Health Awareness Month | May 2025: A month focused on educating the public about mental health, including the impact of trauma. Veteran speakers can highlight the unique mental health challenges military personnel and veterans face.

📅 National Anxiety and Depression Awareness Week | 5-11 May 2025: A week to raise awareness about anxiety and depression. Veteran speakers can address these issues from the perspective of military service and transition to civilian life. 

Other Suitable Events for a Veteran Speaker in ERGs

  • Kickoff Meetings. Introduce new members to the ERG and set the tone for the year’s activities.
  • Workshops and Seminars. Focused on career development, mental health, and leadership. As a retired Navy SEAL and high performance expert, Stephen Drum is a great choice for these events
  • Panel Discussions. Featuring multiple veterans discussing military service and civilian transition.
  • Special Observances. Events tied to military-related holidays and observances, such as Veterans Day and Memorial Day.
  • Community Outreach Events. Engaging with the broader community through service projects or partnerships with veteran organizations.

Inviting veteran and military speakers to cultural days, mental health events, and military/veteran ERG activities can greatly enrich these occasions. Their stories, insights, and experiences inspire and foster understanding and support for veterans within and outside the organization. Whether through sharing personal journeys, advocating for mental health, or providing professional advice, veteran military speakers can significantly and positively impact your teams.

💡 Would you like to mark any of these events with an expert speaker? Let us know, and we’ll find the perfect PepTalk expert for your organisation. Email us at or send us a message via the chat. You can also call us on +44 (0)2038352929. Remember, it’s never too early (or too late) to get a PepTalk!

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