
Subscribe to our ever-growing library of expert-driven videos to level up your team. Let your team learn at their own pace by giving them unlimited access to real-world expertise — try it for one month on us, obligation free.
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Weekly Drops

200+ expert-led, bite-sized videos, covering a wide range of skills development including resilience, negotiation, storytelling and more.

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Wellbeing & Culture Support

Create a thriving workplace culture and support employee wellbeing with topics like Sleep, Menopause, and Burnout.

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Fresh, Relevant & Seamless

No matter the subject, strategic, expert-led learning is designed help your people and business grow. Plus it intergrates into your LMS!

Trusted by leading global companies:

Chelsea Football Club
Publicis Groupe

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On Results

Keep your team's skills sharp with PepTalk, a powerful micro-learning service designed to enhance learning and development across your organisation.

From just £250 per month, your team gains access to over 200 expert-led, bite-sized videos covering essential skills like resilience, negotiation, and storytelling.

In addition, PepTalk supports employee wellbeing with regular culture sessions on topics such as sleep, menopause, and burnout. With brand-new content delivered weekly, seamless LMS integration or standalone access, and high-impact short-form content tailored for busy teams, learning remains dynamic and relevant.

With a 94% renewal rate, our customers love it. Try it free for one month, no strings attached.

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What Is


Expert-Led: Access a network of over 3,000 experts to enhance your leadership and learning initiatives.

Accelerated Learning: Bridge knowledge gaps quickly through expert storytelling and real-world stories.

Human Connection: We use human connection to unlock insights and create a genuine connection to learning experiences.

Strategic Partner: We offer strategic and tailored learning solutions to meet your business needs.

"PepTalk was the perfect solution for running regular wellbeing talks. [...] It gave us access to notable experts, boosting employee engagement and making wellbeing and development more accessible across the company. The talks have sparked meaningful discussions, fostering a culture of proactive wellbeing and continuous learning."
Victoria Purdon
Head of Wellbeing & People Happiness at Ultra Leap
"PepTalk is the perfect fit for our team as we look to enhance our learning and wellbeing offerings. The platform gives our employees access to high-quality speakers on a range of topics in short, engaging sessions. We also love the ability to incorporate our branding, making it feel truly bespoke to our team."
Clarissa Fowler
People Co-Ordinator, The Croc
“We've been using the PepTalk platform for 18 months and love the variety of topics, expert speakers, and special guests. The PepTalk team is proactive and always looking for ways to improve — whether it's enhancing audience engagement or making the platform more accessible. They're a pleasure to work with, communicate efficiently, and make it easy for our learning team by providing all the assets we need to promote PepTalk internally!”
Emma Hopkins
Learning Specialist at Ordnance Survey

Boost your team’s skills with expert-led videos. Start your free trial today and keep learning dynamic, relevant, and engaging.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact the PepTalk team?
What is PepTalk OnDemand?
Can I trial a PepTalk OnDemand subscription?
Do I need an LMS or content platform to let my team access PepTalk?
Do I need a subscription for each employee?
When do new sessions go live on PepTalk OnDemand?
How does PepTalk choose the experts and session topics?
How do I get support for my PepTalk OnDemand account?
What do we need to do to get our team started with PepTalk?
How will my team find out about new learning content?
Do you provide reporting?