Shahroo Izadi, a renowned expert in addiction treatment in the UK, has developed a groundbreaking approach that centers on personal development tools, with a focus on self-compassion, self-belief, and self-awareness. Drawing from evidence-based psychological programs, her methods help individuals create healthier lifestyles and transform their habits.
Shahroo's personal journey of transformation has inspired her to adapt these techniques for broader use. Her comprehensive toolkit includes written exercises and practical advice, which she regularly updates with new insights. This unique approach has garnered significant attention from the media, with features in reputable outlets such as the BBC, Forbes, The Times, and more.
Shahroo's contributions have also resulted in bestselling books, numerous appearances on popular podcasts, high-demand coaching courses, Guardian Masterclasses, and a lengthy waiting list for private sessions. Additionally, she conducts sold-out workshops at well-being events worldwide and offers specialized programs for corporations such as Facebook, Amazon, and Google.
Shahroo brings a unique blend of personal transformation and evidence-based psychological strategies to your team, inspiring change from within. Her engaging approach, rooted in self-compassion and practical habit transformation, has proven effective across global corporations like Facebook, Amazon, and Google. Booking Shahroo means investing in a healthier, more motivated workforce ready to embrace change and improve their personal and professional lives.