Tony Hawk, the legendary skateboarder and pioneer in social media, philanthropy, and entrepreneurship, shares his remarkable journey of creating authentic brands and giving back. From his incredible achievements as a world champion and X Games medalist to his groundbreaking accomplishment of landing the first-ever 900, Tony's relentless attitude and unwavering focus have always set him apart. He has consistently pushed the boundaries of the sport, constantly inventing new ways to achieve what others deemed impossible.
As a businessman, philanthropist, and even a video game character, Tony has applied the qualities that made him successful in skateboarding. He has wholeheartedly embraced technology, social media, and his intuition to authentically navigate his career and stay true to his roots in skateboarding.
Tony's speeches cover many topics, from the benefits of giving back to the profound impact of embracing technology and social media. He shares how his success in skateboarding and early experiences as a young skateboarder shaped the mission of the Tony Hawk Foundation, a charitable organization dedicated to making the world a better place through support for skateboarding. Renowned for his love of gadgets, Hawk has always been at the forefront of social media and technology. Discover how he successfully integrated these platforms into his brands and charity work, taking them to new heights. Above all, Hawk values authenticity, a core principle deeply rooted in the skateboarding community. He skillfully navigates between staying true to the sport he loves and managing his successful business empire and award-winning charitable foundation.
Tony is also a prolific author, with notable works including "Hawk: Occupation: Skateboarder," "Between Boardslides and Burnout: My Notes from the Road," "Tony Hawk: Professional Skateboarder," and "How Did I Get Here?: The Ascent of an Unlikely CEO." These books provide further insight into his remarkable journey and the lessons he has learned along the way.