Tom Morley, known as 'The Rockstar Activator', began his career in the music industry with the 80s band Scritti Politti. Over the years, he has transformed his experiences into stand-up comedy for conference audiences, drawing on 40 years of stage presence. Initially a drummer, Tom later became a frontman for various performance troupes, earning his distinctive nickname.
Tom founded Instant Teamwork, a company specialising in teambuilding through activities like drumming and harmony singing. For the past 20 years, he has focused on making the sense of unity from these activities sustainable, bringing a customised set of tools to each session.
With a lifelong fascination for the creative process, Tom shares his knowledge of art, rhythm, and harmony. His journey includes playing drums with Scritti Politti in his 20s, songwriting in his 30s, and studying psychology and facilitation in his 40s. In his 50s, he established Instant Teamwork International.
Tom's approach is both experienced and humorous, making him equally effective with global boards of directors and local charity groups. His belief in overcoming natural fears to achieve great things has empowered thousands to work together more effectively.
His style, honed over the last decade with groups ranging from five to five thousand, sparks curiosity and invites people to step out of their comfort zones. Tom's enjoyment of the creative process encourages others to join him on his journey, expanding their horizons along the way.