To help your organisation prepare for April 2024, here's a cultural calendar list highlighting various worldwide dates and events. This list can help plan social media content, educational and learning activities, or simply broaden everyone’s understanding and appreciation of global cultures.

Key dates for your April 2024 calendar

As we observe Stress Awareness Month, Autism Acceptance Month, Earth Day and World Book Day, we have a chance to connect with our teams and employee communities, promote important causes, and celebrate diversity and creativity. Whether it's sharing stress management techniques, raising awareness about autism, honouring the Earth, or appreciating literature from around the world, each event presents us with unique opportunities to engage authentically and reinforce your shared values.

📅 Stress Awareness Month 2024 | starts 1 April 2024
👉 April is recognised as National Stress Awareness Month to draw attention to the negative impact of stress. Managing stress is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle. Knowing how to manage stress can improve mental and physical well-being, and avoid worsening health-related issues. Meet PepTalk’s top stress management speakers.

📅 World Autism Acceptance Week | starts 1 April 2024
👉 World Autism Acceptance Week aims to educate people about autism and how it affects them. The hope is that more people will be better educated and, therefore, more accepting of autism and neurodivergence. Meet PepTalk’s top neurodiversity speakers: Haley Moss and Dr Samantha Hiew.

📅 April Fool's Day | 1 April 2024
👉 A day celebrated with practical jokes and hoaxes, where people play pranks on one another.

📅 World Creativity and Innovation Day | 21 April 2024

👉 World Creativity and Innovation Day is a UN observance celebrating everything creative and innovative in our world. Meet PepTalk’s top creativity speakers.

📅 Earth Day | 22 April 2024
Day aims to promote environmental awareness and call for protecting our planet. It is observed worldwide with various events and activities. Meet PepTalk’s top sustainability speakers.

📅 St. George's Day | 23 April 2024
👉 A feast day for St. George, the patron saint of England and several other countries, celebrated with various ceremonies and activities.

📅 World Book Day | 23 April 2024
👉A celebration to promote reading, publishing, and copyright. UNESCO designated this day to honour books and authors, encouraging everyone to discover the pleasure of reading.

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📅 ANZAC Day (Australia and New Zealand) | 25 April 2024
👉 A day of remembrance remembering the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) members who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. Check out this Anzac biscuit recipe; these iconic biscuits were originally made to send to the ANZACs serving in Gallipoli during the First World War.

Of course, this is just a selection of dates! If we've missed any days or events that are key for your HR, Culture or People team, be sure to let us know on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Explore The Rest of 2024

Key cultural calendar dates, weeks and observances for the rest of 2024:

💡 Would you like to mark any of these events with an expert speaker? Let us know, and we’ll find the perfect PepTalk expert for your organisation. Email us at or send us a message via the chat. You can also call us on +44 20 3835 2929 (UK) or +1 737 888 5112 (US). Remember, it’s always a good time to get a PepTalk!

Culture Calendar

Success favours the prepared. That’s why we’ve compiled a free calendar of awareness days and weeks to support your business.

From health and wellbeing to culture and DEI, adding the calendar will keep you on the pulse of what’s happening and ahead of the game. Plus, it works across all platforms.

Culture Calendar